Join our community!
Join our community!
Some of the many ways members help our mission are by offering their annual membership dues of 35€, their time, ideas and efforts, bring friends, donate money or goods. Their benefits are:
Some of the many ways members help our mission are by offering their annual membership dues of 35€, their time, ideas and efforts, bring friends, donate money or goods. Their benefits are:
- Make new friends!!
what you need
what you need
You have to be over 18
speak English
read our Constitution
To fill our membership form and give it to us at our next meeting or email it to:
Pay an annual membership due of 35€
How to apply
How to apply
Contact us in order to send you the Application Form, fill it in and send it back to our email: or bring it with you on our next meeting.
Make a deposit of the annual due (35€) via e-banking to IWOG’s account at Piraeus Bank:
IBAN: G R 3 4 0 1 7 2 2 3 3 0 0 0 5 2 3 3 0 5 4 8 1 2 0 6 2
Bank account No.: 52 3305 48120 62 or contact the IWOG Treasurer tel.: (+30) 6907691153.
*Please add your name and tax number (ΑΦΜ) to the deposit*
We will issue a receipt and give it to you as soon as we see you.